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=/ 15 años...
PhotobucketFeeling: Deprimida...
PhotobucketListening to: Mayonaka no Shadow Boy Chibi Version - Hey! Say! JUMP
PhotobucketMSN [On line]: ---
PhotobucketEating: Poky
Photobucket.Com: los de siempre xD 

Sorry, post in spanish u.u

Bueno, hoy parece que tuviera la regla -.- a lo mejor es síndrome pre-menstrual?

Hoy estaba toda happy porque pasé todas las materias y yo pensaba que no pasaría física y química 
  • Cultura Clásica: 9/10
  • Inglés: 9/10
  • Fisica y Química: 5/10 XD
  • Biología: 5/10
  • Matemática: 6/10
  • Tecnología: 9/10
  • Sociales: 7/10
  • Educación Física: 6/10 
  • Religión: 9/10
Pero luego llegó mi madre a tocar el tema de mis 15 años... En mi pais es tradición hacer una super fiesta cuando cumples 15 (larga historia) y yo no quiero que me la hagan porque no me gustan las fiestas =/ y mi madre me dijo "Pero yo te compro una torta e invito a todas tus amigas del salón" creo que aun no se ha dado cuenta de que yo no considero que sean mis amigas... Es decir, me caen bien y todo, pero ellas no me conocen... apenas y sabrán mi nombre. Y despues me estaba diciendo que le iba a comprar unos regalos a mis amigas para que tuvieran algo de Venezuela y yo lo único que pude responderle fue "todo lo que tienen mis amigas es venezolano... una que otra cosa importada... si no te has dado cuenta" y se molestó conmigo, pero no puedo hacer otra cosa porque mis amigas estan en Venezuela, no aquí en España... lo siento mucho por mi madre que quiere que tenga amigas aquí pero asi es como lo veo yo. Ella quiere que yo socialice, cosa que a mi no me gusta hacer porque en todos lados me rechazan por mis gustos y mi forma de pensar tan extraña, además a mi no me importan las cosas sobre las que hablan los demas... son un dolor de culo -.- asi que para tener muchos amigos debo ser hipócrita y mentir, o simplemente no hablar... nunca hablar sobre mi... esa es una ley que tengo desde que llegué a España... y ella dice que debo ser yo, si siendo yo todas las personas me tratan mal, y al final esto es lo que ella quería. No se que hacer... todos estan emocionados por mi cumpleaños pero yo no quiero saber nada de eso, quiero ser como Peter Pan... no quiero ser grande, yo no disfruté mi niñez, nunca me dejaron... me hicieron ser muy "madura" y responsable desde pequeña, nunca jugué con otros niños del todo, siempre estaba sentada tranquilita en algún rincón leyendo, mi adolescencia se basa en puro estrés y problemas en el colegio.. mi sueño era ser bachiller a los 15, y por eso era que siempre era la primera del salón, pero ahora me tuve que mudar a España... a repetir un año y a ser bachiller a los 18... no quiero estudiar más sinceramente, mi mamá me exige mucho y yo lo único que quiero es morirme. Tengo mucho tiempo sin hablar con alguien y siempre estoy más sola que la una. Que emo, Dios... que mierda de vida, de verdad, realmente ahora no tengo ningun sueño ni ninguna inspiración para seguir adelante.. ya estoy cansada de todo. POR QUÉ ME TENÍA QUE MUDAR A ESTE PAIS??? No creo soportar mucho, mi abuela me dice que piense que iré a Japón pero, seamos sinceros... los asiáticos son r-a-c-i-s-t-a-s y aman a las rubias. Eso es todo. Yo no encajo, ni como turista en ningun lugar, a mi me gusta ser como soy pero todos mis sueños se han ido arruinando uno a uno. Que asco de vida... Espero que mañana me valla bien en hip hop... espero que el tobillo no me destruya durante clases... Esos es todo por hoy.



PhotobucketFeeling: Kinda depressed
PhotobucketListening to: ---
PhotobucketMSN [On line]: ---
PhotobucketEating: ---
Photobucket.Com: Blogger, YT, LJ, Formspring

Last night I had a WEIRD dream D:
You see, when I was 11 I had to change schools because suddenly nobody in the school talked to me ... I'm not over it yet... =/ humm.. the dream goes like this:

I'm at my grandma's house with all my "friends" (those who stopped talking to me) and we're talking happily as if nothig happened but suddenly I remember and I tell them that I want to walk around alone for a bit, but they wanted me to stay and they didn't want to let me go, just like before when we didn't let people be alone... they wanted to go with me because being alone is painful, that's what we used to say and that's what they told me in my dream, I was about to cry because I didn't understand why were they talking to me and why were they telling me those things after what they did so I just stayed there like a fool, listening to them and wanting to cry, then my "best friend" that fucking bitch I hate her -=_= tells me that I have to talk and she knows I love to talk because she "loves me". After she said that I just ran away and I found my best friend (the real one) and we suddenly were in some kind of park. And I woke up.

That's all D: 

I almost finished my exams *-* my spanish teacher told us yesterday that we have another test on friday T^T I hate her -_____-

Losers said they did their best, winners go home and fuck the prom's queen

I love that quote xDD 


FMA =)
PhotobucketFeeling: Happy
PhotobucketListening to: ---
PhotobucketMSN [On line]: No one =(
PhotobucketEating: ---
Photobucket.Com: Blogger, Twitter, YT, LJ

My otakuness is back 8D! I've been watching fullmetal for two days without thinking about anything else xD brotherhood doesn't have as much fillers as I thought it'd have, I didn't want to watch it because the first ep is a filler but I was reading the manga and I felt the need of watching anime D: and now I'm here flailing over Ed xDD  I LOVE to see old characters alive again!! lhdfiasgdhfiagdfighasoif  *__________*

My grandma hates FMA D: cuz of this:

She hates Gluttony xD He's my favourite Homunculus or however it's written xD

And I cried Hughes's death again =/ WHY?? T___T I didn't want him to die ;A; he was too cool xDD and I loved how he was obsessed with his daughter hahahahaha

I loved when Winry realized she's in love with Ed *o* lsgdfliasgdflakgsfklgasldkfgl *-*I hope Ed doesn't get killed .___. He can't die he's the main character D: and in the manga when Al refused to get his body back.... I felt like kicking my pc T^T but he wanted to fight ;A; I want FMA to end to see the end but if it ends then I won't have a manga to falil u.u

Aaanyway... Today I'm hyper :3 
I'll go watch more FMA 8D 



I'm free!
PhotobucketFeeling: Happiness
PhotobucketListening to: Chocolate Love - SNSd
PhotobucketMSN [Online]: No one 
PhotobucketEating: ---
Photobucket.Com: Blogger, Titter, YouTube, FB

I finished my examsssss *________* well, not all, but there're 2 left, one is about a novel calle "El Lazarillo de Tormes" and the other one, we aren't sure if we're going to have that exam xD so we can say I'm free :D


I miss chatting ;W; when was the last time I chatted? T_T I miss my online friends =/ 
My life has been so... NOT interesting xD Oh! I learnt a new way to cheat on exams MWAHAHAHAHA 8DD, actually I never had the oportunity to cheat on a spanish test but I did it last wednesday -w- LOL but I must not do it a lot, don't want to become a mediocre -.- ... Oh well, a friend of mine has a friend who is in 4th year of middle school and the spanish teacher always does the same exam every year and she gave us the answers BWAHAHAHAHAHA so I think I got a 9/10 or an 8/10 :B  

Made by me at 4:00am ._. I was still half-asleep lol

Yesterday I had a BIG fight with my mom =( but I guess everything will be ok today when I talk to her, maybe.. xD 
Today ping pong training was.. fun D: I liked it!! D= that's unbelievable xD and I'm so tired T_T I can't even feel my legs =/ but I'm kinda \0/ hahahaha

just... LOL!

*____________*  I love them!!! I liked Kesha's version too, she's really good :O I never thought I'd like western music agan LOL but her voice is pretty good :3

You better run run run~

SNSD will rule the world *.*

Holy Week is nearrrrr 8DDD I think I read somewhere that Yuto is christian? o.o I can marry him oh yeah!! and SuJu's Kyuhyun too I think... I'M GONNA MARRY THEM BOTH HOHOHOHOHO

Today we had to go to the school's church and we had to sing... T_T I still don't get why did I join the school's choir xD

Tomorrow there's no class :D

1.I thank those who hurt me, because they toughened my will.
2.I thank those who deceived me, because they made me wiser.
3.I thank those who insulted me, because they strengthened my character.
4.I thank those who beat me, because they fueled my will to fight.
5.I thank those who abandoned me, because they taught me to be independent.
6.I thank those who toppled me, because they solidified my stance.
7.I thank those who accused me, because they reminded me of my inadequacy.
8.I thank those who opposed me, because they made me more vigilant.
9.I thank those who were frank with me, because they are my true friends.
10.I thank God for allowing adversity to befall upon me, for that is the only path for spiritual growth and maturity.

Credits: BubzBeauty official fanpage @ FB

I'm watching Seito Shokun! It's like Gokusen without Nakama Yukie XDDD

I'm supposed to learn the SNSD version of Sorry Sorry to dance it with my bff but I have NO time T_T the hands part is hard ;A; I'm gonna see if I can dance it fully for next week which I doubt and I still want to learn Satisfaction and I realized I've been dancing Oh! xDDD

My back hurts T_T


The End :3


Etiquetas: , , , , ,

Can I Flail Now?
PhotobucketFeeling: akhsdflkhadskf *¬*
PhotobucketListening to: Nothing
PhotobucketMSN [Offline]: ----
PhotobucketEating: ----
Photobucket.Com: Blogger, Facebook, Hotmail, School's web page, LJ, YouTube

Yesterday there was a problem in my family, with my uncle, I don't wanna talk about it ._. I got depressed and I was all freaked out =/ but I'm allright now =D! Thanks Mai because you were worried and you weren't like those stupid and annoying people who wanted to know what happened -__-

Anyway.... This guy added me on FB!!

I thought he's kinda hot so I added him back XD but I'm gonna cut him soon anyway lol my mom would kill me if she finds out xDD as soon as he adds back my fake account I'll cut him from the original one aaaand someone made a Yamada's hotness picspam at the hey_say com on LJ!!
Just look at his abs! *o* His body is becoming like YamaPi's *_____* of course, he's still far, but he's only 16.. I can't wait to see Yamada being 20 years old XD

I wanna upload pics to my blog but my parents won't let me T_T because of crazy stalkers =/ and I want to change my layout again XD and my LJ's layout too... I already chose the layouts I want but I don't have time to do it T_T next week I have 6 exams -___- but on friday we don't have to go to school 8DDD aaaand in two weeks it's the holy week! which means a week and a half without school... YEAAAAHHH :B

My mom gave me 10€ wahoooooo :D finally she's starting to give me money =D!! I'm gonna start saving so I can buy JE/H!P/SHINee/Super Junior/etc goods *-*

I found a webpage with the basics for japanese, I learnt a LOT! and it seems like I can start taking japanese lessons on september *o* and I'm gonna start hip hop lessons next month (I think, it depends on my grades lol) but even if I get low grades I think my mom is gonna let me take dancing lessons, because she loves to dance and she wants me to dance a lot too XD

And OMG!!! when I was in 4th year of elementary school I liked this "A" dude, until I changed schools in 2nd year of middle school, yesterday my mom told me that he wanted to teach me how to dance salsa and merengue (latin dances, I'm latin american) and I never knew it!!!! T_____T I mean, he was my crush for such a long time, he wanted to dance with ME and I didn't know =____= and I found out when I don't like him anymore and I moved to Spain .________. that's not fair!!! *sigh* but I'm so gonna dance with Yamada someday XD yeah, in my dreams xDDD


xDDDDDDD!! I don't like porn -.- but I LOVE that song xDDDD

I'm gonna start editting the codes for the new layout to change it soon so, the end :D


Etiquetas: , ,

PhotobucketFeeling: Nervous, stressed, desperated
PhotobucketListening to: My book
PhotobucketMSN [Online]: My mom
PhotobucketEating: Nothing
Photobucket.Com: Blogger , Twitter

Tomorrow I have this greek mythology exam and I can't memorize anything!!! >____> I hate it! The teacher gave us just 2 days to study all the roman laws and Roma's history >_> How can I study all that in just two days????? T_T I'm not gonna get a good grade from this -___- I hate it! And I need to chat... the last time I talked to my bff was like a week ago =___= (a normal talk, it's always like "Hello! well I'm busy, bye") I've been too busy and the different hours are just killing me T^T I totally need vacations TT______TT

Now I'm going back to study, hopefully I won't fail this exam, that'd be the end of my life!! T_T I'm the best in the class... I don't want to fail T_T

The End. T_T

